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Silk Rose Petal Samples

If you are looking for samples of our silk rose petals, please use the link below to order.

Sample of 20 Colors

For only $1, we will send you up to 20 petals of your choice of colors.  All petals are stamped with a code for matching the color to the name.  They are intended to be used for samples only, they are not suitable for decorative purposes.

Order Samples Here


Free Sample

We were forced to discontinue sending free samples due to abuse.  We received an overwhelming number of illegitimate requests, including multiple requests going to the same or similar addresses, using different names or neighboring addresses.  If you are truly interested in our rose petals, please order one of the $1 samples above and we will include a coupon toward a future order.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Copyright 2019  Petal Garden, Inc.  All rights reserved  -  Rose petals